Summer 2024, so what do you need to know? We have been on the road for most of the summer and are excited to share what we are experiencing throughout SE Asia and Europe. We will get into some in-depth articles in the coming weeks, but this week, we want to share our summer 2024 insights. Our relentless passion to see new places continues to open our eyes to the world’s magic. Our curiosity for learning and desire to share with you grows as we go from place to place. Here are some fun bites of info to get your travel brain going!

Taormina, is this town worth the hype? The quick answer is YES. This Sicilian village dazzled viewers on the TV show ‘The White Lotus’ and quickly became a hot spot. We were too curious if the hype was worth it, so we had to see for ourselves. The down-to-earth locals, quaint streets, calm Ionian Sea and jaw-dropping views over the cliffs~ all mixed with Italian charm stole our hearts. Taormina was the perfect place to end our Sicilian road trip as, without knowing it, we saved the best for last. This city is added to my ‘touristy for a reason’ and ‘you must go’ lists. Big win! 😉
Janteloven in Scandinavian culture, what is this? I heard about this concept in passing, but I didn’t realize it was a real social code until I landed in Northern Europe. Janteloven, or the Law of Jante, is a set of social norms in Scandinavian culture that emphasizes collective well-being over individual success. It discourages standing out or boasting and promotes humility and equality. It suggests that no one should consider themselves better than others. Major food for thought, right? I will touch on how I experienced this firsthand in my upcoming Copenhagen articles.
Changing Flights
The dreaded changing flights, any tips? Why, yes! Summer 2024 has us learning on this subject so we have to share. By chance I booked my whole Europe trip with a bunch of one way tickets. I didn’t know my full itinerary so I booked the first leg to Europe and the rest in the coming weeks. When I decided to extend my trip, my unused one way ticket from Paris to Los Angeles held its entire value and I just paid the difference in fair, under $200. I couldn’t believe it, as I was ready to come out of pocket with big change fees, etc. Of course, check with your airline or travel company for their rules on changing flights.
Roundtrip & Seat Upgrade
My friend also tried changing flights and had a roundtrip ticket with one airline. Since the first leg of the roundtrip was used, the value dropped significantly. Changing the flight home would have cost over $2,000 in change fees. If you are someone who has fomo, flexibility in your schedule, or is indecisive, look into booking one ways. My flights were booked with Chase Travel, so all changes had to be made through them (not the airline), and I had to rebook in the same flight class.
If you later want a seat upgrade, you will likely do so directly with the airline, not with the third party (Chase, Expedia, Skyscanner) you booked with. Personally, I would rather work with a Chase travel agent who will answer the phone than an airline any day. For this reason, if I upgrade my seat, I wait until a few days before takeoff. This is not the fun part of travel, but these tidbits will save you loads of time and money.
*Pro tip ~ If you upgrade your seat at the last minute, the seating charts are more accurate and you can try not to sit by anyone. Tested and true!
Asia Rainy Season
Continuing with our summer 2024 need to know list, let’s talk about Asia rainy season. Don’t let the wet forecast scare you off a trip you really want to take, especially if it’s when you have time off. We knew we were spending extended time in SE Asia during the rainy season this summer and were pleasantly surprised. It rarely rained for a whole day or many consecutive days. I would compare it to Hawaiian style tropical rains. A huge bonus is that travel is cheaper during this time and more accommodation options are available. Be sure to pack an umbrella and rain jacket.
Another pointer is to ensure you look up the season per country, region and island. Weather patterns can vary within the same Asian country, even if it’s small. For example, Bekah is headed to Siargao in the Philippines during the rainy season. However, due to its location, it is dry season on that island. Talk to someone with the inside scoop if possible, as it can change your whole trajectory. Dig for first-hand verbal information that you cannot find on the internet!
*Hot tip ~ A tropical Christmas and New Year in SE Asia should be on everyone’s bucket list, but be ready for high-season crowds and peak prices. Book accom as early as possible; many regions sell out!
It’s summer 2024 and we are still emphatically talking about Bali, 18 years after the book ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ was released. We understand the travel brain and having to get somewhere, we really do. Our travel compulsions are based on these feelings. We cannot stress enough that Indonesia is an incredible country with many islands. Get your fix of southern Bali and the more populated areas, but don’t say we didn’t warn you about traffic and intense tourism. Make time to grab a scooter and discover the island’s north, east, and west sides. For inspo, check out our article on Bali off the beaten path here!
*For the more adventurous get a load of Lombok, the Gilis, Komodo Island and the majestic, mysterious Raja Ampat. Gulp.
It is important to note that Buddha statues and images are sacred in Buddhist culture. They should be treated with respect. In many Buddhist countries, having a tattoo of the Buddha can be seen as disrespectful, offensive and against cultural norms. In some countries, taking a picture with your back turned to Buddha can be considered rude. AKA- a selfie. Many temples also prohibit photos altogether. Always seek permission if you are in question, as respect for the culture is paramount. I wish I had been more aware of this during my first few trips to Buddhist countries.
Big Events
Is traveling for big events worth it? Some people make this look so easy, but it usually looks overwhelming to me. The answer to this question is personal, and we may only know after we say yes and attend the big events. I am lucky to be in Paris right now for 12 days during the 2024 Olympics, and I am gaining some valuable insights. This is a big event I had no clue I was going to attend 2 weeks prior, hence the flight change. From afar, the Olympics in such a high-end, amazing city sounded expensive after a month in Europe. I was pleasantly surprised when I started digging into ticket pricing and accommodation. Many options for different budgets were available at the last minute, and I am reminded to at least look if something piques my interest.
If the costs make or break for you, consider eating out once a day, inviting friends, taking public transport and committing to going with the flow. If you are used to spending on entertainment and travel back home, consider the big events abroad as the budget for these spending categories. In the spirit of going with the flow, I am attending events for sports I have never seen live. This is adding so much to my adventure, and I would be let down if I were rigid about getting specific tickets.
Unknown Anticipation
To be transparent, the big events I have attended abroad are some of my life highlights, 🫣. Hello AfrikaBurn, Beijing 2008 Olympics and Ibiza high season as a tiny 22-year-old. For me, they blend adventure, YOLO mentality and unite nations, all with an edge of unknown anticipation. These are all my favorite things about life. So basically…GO!
Summer 2024 has been a great teacher. We continue to be humbled by the world and learning in our favorite classroom ~ on the road. We thank you for following along, we hope our ‘Summer 2024, What You Need to Know’ list has inspired your curiosity. Stay tuned for more detailed insights from the places mentioned in this article. We are so excited for you and all the places you will go that will take your breath away.
With love from the city of love,
<3 Rach
PS ~ To read about Lombok off the beaten path, check out our article here!